(Originally Published in the 2006 Can-Am Program)
This year marks the 30th Annual Can-Am Friendship Tournament. Once again we have the chance to meet friends old and new to enjoy sport and social interaction. The Tournament is being invigorated by the introduction of new teams from Canada. For the old and the new folks alike, this section aims to provide an insight into one of the characters who has been a part of the tournament for many years.
Bill Stewart is not a small man. So saying, there is no one I have met who personifies the expression “larger than life” better than Bill. He is a formidable ambassador for Cataraqui Soccer Club and for soccer in general. Bill is the first to greet new people and makes everyone feel welcome and included. Bill rarely fails to make an impression. Usually it is related to his sense of humour. He is a natural comedian and knows how to tell an engaging story. Occasionally (as those who have driven to the Friendship Tournament venues in the US with Bill can attest) he makes an impression by his humor. (For our US visitors: now you see why it is important not to loose the “u” in certain words). Bill is not, however, a gifted singer: in fact he only knows one song. (Although he will likely tell you that he and his brother know any song that was ever written – that’s another story – ask him if you get a chance). However, by the time Saturday morning rolls round he does not even have enough voice left to sing that.
Bill and his wife, Kathy, came to Canada from Edinburgh in the1970s, which is in Scotland (contrary to the popular belief of Glaswegians). Bill joined the Cataraqui Soccer Club in the early 1980s, and was Club President on three separate occasions. He has coached and played in all the local leagues, and his basement bar at home is a testament to his love of Soccer in general, and the Cataraqui Soccer Club and the Friendship Tournament in particular.
Bill enjoys playing at our indoor and outdoor training sessions. If anyone thinks that Billy is beyond his soccer playing years (i.e. an over the hill Billy) spend 10 minutes watching him, and I guarantee he will have nut-megged at least one opponent. I say this with the assuredness of someone who has fallen victim to this skill on more than one occasion.
Long may we hear you singing, Billy:
Here We Go! Here We Go! Here We Go!
Ross Morton
Cataraqui Soccer Club